Profile PictureMichal Malewicz's UX/UI Masterclass

Don't be boring!

6 ratings
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Don't be boring!

6 ratings

The Course that Makes the difference - again!

Join 2093 others who already got it!

The course shows you:

✅ How to make a personal brand

✅ Make your own unique mockups

✅ create Custom hardware (phone and single purpose device)

✅ Smartphone OS new features

✅ Watch app concepts

✅ Smart Fridge app concepts

✅ And how to think out of the box

A couple of things to take care of:

🍓 Thing 1

This is a more high-level course that you should approach when you have the design fundamentals already. So you need to already know how to design an app, a website, make a UI kit (with Boring UI) etc. This course is not for complete beginners.

🌶️ Thing 2

Yes, it also is included in the Portfolio Bundle - if you own this bundle you don't need to buy it.

🍒 Thing 3

It's about going beyond moving rectangles or doing a simple user survey. It's about finding creative solutions and writing exploratory case studies for Medium and LinkedIn about your process.

This skill only gets better the more you use it, and that later allows you to grow in multiple other directions - because you will have THE MINDSET.

It's about creating case studies that are more than "an app that does X".

It's about showing INNOVATION and UNIQUENESS.

🍅 Thing 4

I want to test your imagination for two days - to see if you understand what this is going to be and how useful it will be.

My goal with both this course and everything else I do is to get as many successful designers out there as I can.

About me

Reviews of other parts of the portfolio bundle:

What others said about our previous courses

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Over 4 hours of video on coming up with creative ideas, planning, prep-work, documenting your journey and final write up and more!

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2 pages
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If you're unsure about the book, get the free chapters of it first to check it out.

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Last updated Feb 13, 2025


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